Daftar judul seri Trio Detektif
1. The Secret of Terror Castle (Misteri Puri Setan) , Sinopsis, Download.
2. The Mystery of the Stuttering Parrot (Misteri Nuri Gagap) , Sinopsis, Download.
3. The Mystery of the Whispering Mummy (Misteri Bisikan Mumi), Sinopsis, Download.
4. The Mystery of the Green Ghost (Misteri Hantu Hijau), Sinopsis, Download.
5. The Mystery of the Vanishing Treasure (Misteri Kurcaci Gaib), Sinopsis, Download.
6. The Secret of Skeleton Island (Misteri Pulau Tengkorak), Sinopsis, Download.
7. The Mystery of the Fiery Eye (Misteri Mata Berapi), Sinopsis, Download.
8. The Mystery of the Silver Spider (Misteri Laba-laba Perak), Sinopsis, Download.
9. The Mystery of the Screaming Clock (Misteri Jeritan Jam), Sinopsis, Download.
10. The Mystery of the Moaning Cave (Misteri Gua Raungan), Sinopsis, Download.
11. The Mystery of the Talking Skull (Misteri Tengkorak Berbicara), Sinopsis, Download.
12. The Mystery of the Laughing Shadow (Misteri Bayangan Tertawa), Sinopsis, Download.
13. The Secret of the Crooked Cat (Misteri Kucing Bengkok), Sinopsis, Download.
14. The Mystery of the Coughing Dragon (Misteri Naga Batuk), Sinopsis, Download.
15. The Mystery of the Flaming Footprints (Misteri Jejak Bernyala), Sinopsis, Download.
16. The Mystery of the Nervous Lion (Misteri Singa Gugup), Sinopsis, Download.
17. The Mystery of the Singing Serpent (Misteri Nyanyian Kobra), Sinopsis, Download.
18. The Mystery of the Shrinking House (Misteri Rumah Yang Mengkerut), Sinopsis, Download.
19. The Secret of Phantom Lake (Misteri Danau Siluman), Sinopsis, Download.
20. The Mystery of Monster Mountain (Misteri Gunung Monster), Sinopsis, Download.
21. The Secret of the Haunted Mirror (Misteri Cermin Berhantu), Sinopsis, Download.
22. The Mystery of the Dead Man's Riddle (Misteri Teka-Teki Aneh), Sinopsis, Download.
23. The Mystery of the Invisible Dog (Misteri Anjing Siluman), Sinopsis, Download.
24. The Mystery of Death Trap Mine (Misteri Tambang Jebakan Maut), Sinopsis, Download.
25. The Mystery of the Dancing Devil (Misteri Setan Menandak), Sinopsis, Download.
26. The Mystery of the Headless Horse (Misteri Kuda Tanpa Kepala), Sinopsis, Download.
27. The Mystery of the Magic Circle (Misteri Kelompok Penyihir), Sinopsis, Download.
28. The Mystery of the Deadly Double (Misteri Kemelut Kembar), Sinopsis, Download.
29. The Mystery of the Sinister Scarecrow (Misteri Boneka Beringas), Sinopsis, Download.
30. The Secret of Shark Reef (Misteri Karang Hiu), Sinopsis, Download.
31. The Mystery of the Scar-Faced Beggar (Pengemis Buta Bermuka Rusak), Sinopsis, Download.
32. The Mystery of the Blazing Cliffs (Misteri Tebing Menyala), Sinopsis, Download.
33. The Mystery of the Purple Pirate (Misteri Perompak Ungu), Sinopsis, Download.
34. The Mystery of the Wandering Caveman (Misteri Manusia Gua), Sinopsis, Download.
35. The Mystery of the Kidnapped Whale (Misteri Penculikan Ikan Paus), Sinopsis, Download.
36. The Mystery of the Missing Mermaid (Misteri Hilangnya Putri Duyung), Sinopsis, Download.
37. The Mystery of the Two-Toed Pigeon (Misteri Merpati Berjari Dua), Sinopsis, Download.
38. The Mystery of the Smashing Glass (Misteri Kaca-kaca Remuk), Sinopsis, Download.
39. The Mystery of the Trail of Terror (Misteri Kejaran Teror), Sinopsis, Download.
40. The Mystery of the Rogues' Reunion (Misteri Reuni Berandal Cilik), Sinopsis, Download.
41. The Mystery of the Creep-Show Crooks (Misteri Penyamun Horor), Sinopsis, Download.
42. The Mystery of Wrecker's Rock (Misteri Karang Bencana), Sinopsis, Download.
43. The Mystery of the Cranky Collector (Penculikan Kolektor Serakah), Sinopsis, Download.
44. Komplotan Pencuri Mobil Mewah, Sinopsis, Download.
45. Ayam Goreng Beracun, Sinopsis, Download.
46. Bisnis Kotor, Sinopsis, Download.
47. Misteri Pahlawan Komik, Sinopsis, Download.
48. Liburan Maut di Meksiko, Sinopsis, Download.
49. Misteri Kutukan Film Horor, Sinopsis, Download.
50. Sindikat Pembajak Kaset, Sinopsis, Download.
51. Perampokan Sejuta Dolar, Sinopsis, Download.
52. Sandiwara Teror, Sinopsis, Download.
53. Bintang Bola Basket, Sinopsis, Download.
54. Kesalahan Fatal, Sinopsis, Download.
55. Trio Penyamar, Sinopsis, Download.
Rabu, 29 Juli 2009
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